How Digital Green Is Helping Farmers ?
Digital Green is a not-for-profit international development organisation that focuses on training farmers to make and show short videos where they record their problems, share solutions and highlight success stories as community engagement to improve lives of rural communities across South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
How Digital Green Is Tackling This Problem ?
It uses technology-enabled behaviour change communication that is cost-effective, scalable and brings together researchers, development practitioners, and rural communities to produce and share locally relevant information through video.
Digital Green has 2 social online games Wonder Village and Farmer Book:
the games, players simulate a village economy and relate with actual farmers that Digital Green works with, on the field. The players are placed in a resource-constrained setting in which they have to complete quests such as set up paddy and maize farms and supply raw materials to the farmers’ markets.
When farmers have the tools they need to connect with one another, they’re far more likely to apply what they’ve learned on their farms and in their households – improving their own livelihoods and those of others in their community, in a manner that’s nutrition-sensitive, climate-resilient, and inclusive.
- India HQ Avanta Business Centre, Office no. 1208, 12th Floor, Ambadeep Building, KG Marg Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110006, India
- +91-11-41881037
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